Sunday, October 31, 2010

Audio: On the Media - Disclosure of Source of Ad Funds (audio article)

On the Media did an interesting spot about the canceling of the McCain Feingold act which required disclosure of campaign financing for ads. The Supreme Court knocked it down (unbelievably!!!) this year. We're feeling the effects of it this election season.


January's Citizens United Supreme Court ruling has had a profound effect on corporations' ability to donate to political campaigns, but it's just one of many recent de-regulations. Politico's Ken Vogel says the campaign finance landscape has completely changed in the past few years.

And also...

Can Money Buy Elections? It's complicated.

A decade-long study looked into whether and how negative political ads on television can affect an election outcome. As UVA professor Paul Freedman explains, the results reveal how money well spent can motivate voters.

And also...

The Changing Face of Disclosure

The Center for Responsive Politics has been tracking PACs and campaign contributions for over 25 years, but in the face of unprecedented campaign finance de-regulation, how has this changed? Communications Director Dave Levinthal explains.

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