Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine

Lounn Brizendine is a Neuro-Psychiatrist and founder of the Womens Brain Center at UCSF based in San Francisco. She's spent the past 20 years researching the differences between the male and female brain. This book collates the research done between her and her collegues into an extremely readable, fascinating and entertaining book.

This book doesn't go deeply into the science, but rather summerizes what is happening in a female brain at various points throughout her life, from inutero to menopause. As it turns out it's structures and neurochemicals are ever changing "like the weather"(unlike the male brain, which remains somewhat unchanged except in 2 key moments in their life).

Some fun did you know's I got from this book:

  • During pregnancy, you will loose 8% of your brain mass while your brain restructures itself. The mass will return 6 months post pregnancy, but your brain will be far more adept at mapping and locating things than it was prior to pregnancy.

  • A female's brain is uniquely structured to read minute changes in people faces and appearance


Listen to an interview with Louann Brizendine on KQED's Forum

Buy the book on Amazon

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