Monday, November 27, 2006

This is your brain on music

While I haven't yet read this particular book, the interviews I've heard with the author, might make it a facinating read about my favorite things: music + the brain.

Interestingly, I found this book on the shelf at a bookstore about a month ago, before I'd read or heard anything about it. Now it appears that there is quite a bit of hype surrounding it.

The author, David Levitin, is a neurobiologist who came from the music industry. He attempts to explain the way that the brain percieves music, why music sticks in your head, why you like the music you do, and how it truly is a universal language.

Some interesting reading on the subject:

The official site

David Levitin's official personal site

SanFrancisco's, Forum, explores the perception of music in the human brain with psychologist Daniel J. Levitin, author of "This is Your Brain on Music."
Host: Michael Krasny

To The Best of Our Knowledge program "Mind, Music & Math" (aired October 2006)
In this interview, he tells us how composers and performers play with our expectations to keep the brain interested in music.

Wired article from August 23, 2006
Read the article

You can buy the book on Amazon

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