Sunday, July 23, 2006

"Who Killed the Electric Car?"

"Who Killed the Electric Car?" The movie that asks what happened to the electric cars that were built in the early 90s because California had issued a mandate that by 2000 we'd have 10% of our vehicles on the road be 0 emissions.

Reading Wired's August 2006 article about Tesla Motors, a company in Santa Clara independently creating a really styley electric car. This of course is very exciting-without the big car companies tethered to big oil, they can pretty much do what the market wants. There are supposedly a couple of other companies out there doing similar persuits, but i haven't researched for them yet.

A couple featured in the film "Who Killed the Electric Car", Stanford and Iris Ovshinsky, were the original creators of the electric auto battery featured in the film. GM bought their company and put the battery in their electric car, the EV, then they killed the car, and sold their controling interest in the company to Texaco. It was a complete sham. But they're a hyper creative couple, who are now creating ultra paper thin solar panels that you can toss up on your roof and run plugs down into your house. Look in the R&D section.

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