Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Video: Fabulous Fight Sequence

The facial expressions in this are awesome! What acting!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Comic: So bad it's good

I love this comic's take on bad movies... it's quite spot on!

From http://www.xkcd.com/653/

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Video: Sarah Jones at TED Conference 2009

Sarah Jones performed at the Ted Conference 2009, and her shape shifting approach to acting is mesmorizing. Watching her will make you see how much of your identity is locked up in how you carry yourself, not necessarily your physical appearance! She literally channels an opinionated elderly Jewish woman, a fast-talking Dominican college student and a variety of others. It's long, but worth watching!

Regretsy.com - You won't regret these arts and crafts

At Regretsy.com (parody spin off of Etsy.com) you won't regret anything you get from this online arts and crafts store!

Things like...
The Childbirth Education Doll pattern
The Catnip Fetus Toy