Saturday, November 28, 2009

Anthropology : Your Christmas Card List and Human Brain Development

From BoingBoing: According to anthropologist Robin Dunbar, Ph.D., the social relationships that were forged during the dawn of humanity still influence everything from Christmas card lists to Facebook networks.

And see the lecture on the subject:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Video: Bird does the Moonwalk

Who knew that Birds were such great dancers!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Art: St. Wenceslas Riding a Dead Horse in Prague

St. Wenceslas, the patron saint of the Czech Republic, is honored with many statues around the country. But the sculpture of St. Wenceslas Riding a Dead Horse in Prague turns those monuments — literally — upside down. Hanging in the gallery of a shopping and entertainment complex, it was created in 1999 as a parody of a right-side-up statue in a nearby public square.

Site: Portraits of the Hadza People

Amazing portraits of the Hadza people in Tanzania.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dock Ellis and the LSD No-No

It's an animated interview with a pitcher who took LSD in the 70s and pitched a No-hitter!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Picture: Christmas Lights

I don't know where this photo was taken, as I received it in an email, but it seems to be the perfect way to prevent yourself from trying to "keep up with the Jones'" during the Christmas season.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

News: Baylor Chapman has a sense of repurpose

Baylor Chapman, a local SF florist was featured in the SF Chronical today. It was fun to poke through her floral designs.

Read the arttical and see the pics

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

News: The Perils of Overfishing

A disheartening interview with Daniel Pauly who warns that the global fishing industry has drastically depleting the fish population.

He was interviewed by Terry Gross of Fresh Air:
Part I

Part II

He also wrote an expose of this in The New Republic:
In an Oct. 7, 2009 article entitled "Aquacalypse Now: The End of Fish," published by The New Republic, Pauly writes that in the past 50 years "we have reduced the populations of large commercial fish, such as bluefin tuna, cod, and other favorites, by a staggering 90 percent."

Site: Interactive site shows the scale of things on a micro level

By using a slider you can see the scale of cells and what they are made of! Cool!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Video: Fabulous Fight Sequence

The facial expressions in this are awesome! What acting!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Comic: So bad it's good

I love this comic's take on bad movies... it's quite spot on!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Video: Sarah Jones at TED Conference 2009

Sarah Jones performed at the Ted Conference 2009, and her shape shifting approach to acting is mesmorizing. Watching her will make you see how much of your identity is locked up in how you carry yourself, not necessarily your physical appearance! She literally channels an opinionated elderly Jewish woman, a fast-talking Dominican college student and a variety of others. It's long, but worth watching! - You won't regret these arts and crafts

At (parody spin off of you won't regret anything you get from this online arts and crafts store!

Things like...
The Childbirth Education Doll pattern
The Catnip Fetus Toy

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

App: Crime Spotting San Francisco & Oakland

Ever wonder what kind of crime is going on in SF and Oakland? This site shows a great map of crime reports in SF and Oakland!

App: Pimp My Gun

You can make some pretty wacky guns outta this Flash App. It's alot of fun!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Article: NetFlix's corporate culture

This is a really interesting presentation put together by NetFlix on their corporate culture. Some of it you may not agree with, and some of it would not work at every organization, however, there's some great stuff in here.

Article: Game Theory Predictions

Bueno de Mesquita is one of the world’s most prominent applied game theorists. A professor at New York University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, he is well known academically for his work on “political survival,” or how leaders build coalitions to stay in power. But among national-security types and corporate decision makers, he is even better known for his prognostications. For 29 years, Bueno de Mesquita has been developing and honing a computer model that predicts the outcome of any situation in which parties can be described as trying to persuade or coerce one another. Since the early 1980s, C.I.A. officials have hired him to perform more than a thousand predictions; a study by the C.I.A., now declassified, found that Bueno de Mesquita’s predictions “hit the bull’s-eye” twice as often as its own analysts did.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Interactive: 3d Pixel Art Creator

Create 3d art by putting pixels together!

Chart: How Different Groups Spend Their Day

The American Time Use Survey asks thousands of American residents to recall every minute of a day. Here is how people over age 15 spent their time in 2008

I really like how this information is visualized!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Video: Chicago Travelogue 1948

So many of these buildings still exist, though they are now towered over by skyscrapers. Infact, the thing I really noticed about this is how light and bright the city was without such tall buildings obstructing the sun!

Very short twitter stories

Very short stories on Twitter @VeryShortStory

I used my second wish to undo the first. Your body sprang back to life. The third wish I'm keeping, in case you get out of line again.

Sheila liked Ken, in the same way she liked a Fillet O Fish sandwich when she was thinking of lobster. He was right here, right now.

She was the kind that made you forget other women, pretty & crazy. Dish throwing, steal your dog, don't dare look at other woman crazy

I turned the hose on Steph. She’d gone to Burning Man and come home filthy. I hoped somehow, the things she did, could be washed away

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Article: Dogs as Smart as 2-year-old Kids

Jeanna Bryner
Senior Writer – Sat Aug 8, 2:05 pm ET

The canine IQ test results are in: Even the average dog has the mental abilities of a 2-year-old child.

The finding is based on a language development test, revealing average dogs can learn 165 words (similar to a 2-year-old child), including signals and gestures, and dogs in the top 20 percent in intelligence can learn 250 words.

And the smartest?

Border collies, poodles, and German shepherds, in that order, says Stanley Coren, a canine expert and professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia. Those breeds have been created recently compared with other dog breeds and may be smarter in part because we've trained and bred them to be so, Coren said. The dogs at the top of the pack are on par with a 2.5-year-old.

Better at math and socializing

While dogs ranked with the 2-year-olds in language, they would trump a 3- or 4-year-old in basic arithmetic, Coren found. In terms of social smarts, our drooling furballs fare even better.

"The social life of dogs is much more complex, much more like human teenagers at that stage, interested in who is moving up in the pack and who is sleeping with who and that sort of thing," Coren told LiveScience.

Coren, who has written more than a half-dozen books on dogs and dog behavior, will present an overview of various studies on dog smarts at the American Psychological Association's annual meeting in Toronto.

"We all want insight into how our furry companions think, and we want to understand the silly, quirky and apparently irrational behaviors [that] Lassie or Rover demonstrate," Coren said. "Their stunning flashes of brilliance and creativity are reminders that they may not be Einsteins but are sure closer to humans than we thought."

Math test

To get inside the noggin of man's best friend, scientists are modifying tests for dogs that were originally developed to measure skills in children.

Here's one: In an arithmetic test, dogs watch as one treat and then another treat are lowered down behind a screen. When the screen gets lifted, the dogs, if they get arithmetic (1+1=2), will expect to see two treats. (For toddlers, other objects would be used.)

But say the scientist swipes one of the treats, or adds another so the end result is one, or three treats, respectively. "Now we're giving him the wrong equation which is 1+1=1, or 1+1=3," Coren said. Sure enough, studies show the dogs get it. "The dog acts surprised and stares at it for a longer period of time, just like a human kid would," he said.

These studies suggest dogs have a basic understanding of arithmetic, and they can count to four or five.

Basic emotions

Other studies Coren notes have found that dogs show spatial problem-solving skills. For instance, they can locate valued items, such as treats, find better routes in the environment, such as the fastest way to a favorite chair, and figure out how to operate latches and simple machines.

Like human toddlers, dogs also show some basic emotions, such as happiness, anger and disgust. But more complex emotions, such as guilt, are not in a dog's toolbox. (What humans once thought was guilt was found to be doggy fear, Coren noted.)

And while dogs know whether they're being treated fairly, they don't grasp the concept of equity. Coren recalls a study in which dogs get a treat for "giving a paw."

When one dog gets a treat and the other doesn't, the unrewarded dog stops performing the trick and avoids making eye contact with the trainer. But if one dog, say, gets rewarded with a juicy steak while the other snags a measly piece of bread, on average the dogs don't care about the inequality of the treats.

Top dogs

To find out which dogs had the top school smarts, Coren collected data from more than 200 dog obedience judges from the United States and Canada.

He found the top dogs, in order of their doggy IQ are:

Border collies Poodles German shepherds Golden retrievers Dobermans Shetland sheepdogs Labrador retrievers
At the bottom of the intelligence barrel, Coren would include many of the hounds, such as the bassett hound and the Afghan hound, along with the bulldog, beagle and basenji (a hunting dog).

"It's important to note that these breeds which don't do as well tend to be considerably older breeds," he said. "They were developed when the task of a hound was to find something by smell or sight." These dogs might fare better on tests of so-called instinctive intelligence, which measure how well dogs do what they are bred to do.

"The dogs that are the brightest dogs in terms of school learning ability tend to be the dogs that are much more recently developed," Coren said. He added that there's a "high probability that we've been breeding dogsso they're more responsive to human beings and human signals." So the most recently bred dogs would be more human-friendly and rank higher on school smarts.

Many of these smarty-pants are also the most popular pets. "We like dogs that understand us," Coren said.

We also love the beagle, which made it to the top 10 list of most popular dog breeds in 2008 by the American Kennel Club. That's because they are so sweet and socialable, Coren said. "Sometimes people love the dumb blonde," Coren said.

And sometimes the dim-wits make better pets. While a smart dog will figure out everything you want it to know, your super pet will also learn everything it can get away with, Coren warns.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Video: Song made entirely of Win 98/XP sounds

Video: Giant Water Slide

Evolutionary Gif

I found this gif at this site:

It’s the ending to “Mission to Mars”

Saturday, July 25, 2009

India-Pakistan Wagah Border Flag Lowering Ceremony. (By Sanjeev Bhaskar - The Longest Road).

This interesting YouTube video records a ceremony on the India-Pakistan border. The British set the borders of the two new nations in 1947. From the beginning, they were fierce rivals. Contested land coupled with religious and cultural disputes led to violence.

But not all differences are acted out with violence. The Wagah border is the only road linking the two countries. And every night, the border is closed with a fascinating ceremony.

Hundreds of citizens attend the ceremony on both sides. Soldiers put a on an aggressive show. They strut and stomp and chant and yell. This show of force is entertaining and serious at the same time. But there is an undercurrent of respect and cooperation. The ceremony ends with a handshake across the border.
(text pulled from

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Artist: Yuko Shimizu

Yuko Shimizu. This award-winning piece was for Microsoft’s Ultimate PC project, in which artists were asked to create series of five personal works using their PC instead of their Mac to showcase in Microsoft’s new experimental art site.

Whistling is cool

Friday, June 05, 2009

Video: Tonight Show Plug for Bakon

Plug on the tonight show with Conan O'brien for Bakon Vodka.
Monologue: 6:10

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Video: Cinematic for the Beatles Rockband Game

Ok, so I wouldn't want to play the game, but this cinematic is just amazing!

Video: Literal Eclipse of the Heart

Who made this video? And how were they funded for it. I LOVE the way the literal version of this video spells out how ridiculous it is! Side-splitting fun.

Friday, May 29, 2009

At Burning Man 2009

Very cool concept for the temple project this year!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

NPR: Forum: The Marriage Go Round

Nearly half of all U.S. marriages end in divorce, and yet America's loyalty to the ideal of marriage seems rock-solid. That's one of the contradictions explored by sociologist Andrew Cherlin in his new book, "The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today."

Andrew Cherlin, author and professor of public policy and sociology at Johns Hopkins University

Notes while listening to the program:
* Americans are more likely to monitor their marriages and walk away from them.
* Americans are more conservative about marriage, but in Europe the gay and lesbian activists want nothing of the oppressive institution of marriage.
* Americans are very contradictory about marriage.
* People in Europe who live together tend to have more stable relationships than those here in the US who are married.
* Divorce rates in step-families are much higher.
* American individualism tends to get in the way of formulating long term relationships. We put our personal growth before the idea of commitment compare to that of other countries.
* Highest divorce rates in the US are in the Red States. (8:43)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The six word short story.

For sale: baby shoes, never used.
—Ernest Hemingway

The original short short story and the inspiration for this website. In the 1920s, Ernest Hemingway’s colleagues bet him that he couldn’t write a complete story in just six words. They paid up. Hemingway is said to have considered it his best work.

Video: Beat Box Girl

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Video: Passion Pit "Sleepyhead"

Passion Pit, "Sleepyhead" from Neon Gold Records on Vimeo.

Practically shot and painstakingly put together with photographs and real objects, the concept of this video was that "of creating a light space modulator — a mechanical, kinetic sculpture that demonstrates and harbors movement and light."

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 02, 2009

H5 = The people who brought you the incredible Royksopp video

More stuff from H5 (the French graphics company that made the video)
Click on film, then clip

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Music Video: Royksopp - Remind Me

This is a great video with amazing graphical illustration.

Sadly I cannot embed it from YouTube.

From the person who posted this on YouTube:
May be the most fascinating music video ever -- you can watch it twenty times and still not catch everything. A day in the life of an average working Jill, broken down into its minutest component parts. The unstated joke: mankind has erected immense, resource-devouring systems of almost incomprehensible complexity just so you can sit in your cubicle.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Music Video: Lilly Allen - The Fear

I wanna be rich, and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever, I don't care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuck loads of diamonds
I heard people die while they're trying to find them
And I'll take my clothes off, and it will be shameless
'Cause everyone knows that's how you get famous
I'll look at the sun, and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track, yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
And when do you think it will all become clear?
'Cause I'm being taken over by the fear

Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and cussing each other
But it doesn't matter 'cause I'm packing plastic
And that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic
And I am a weapon of massive consumption
And it's not my fault, it's how I'm programed to function
I'll look at the sun, and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track, yeah we're on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
And when do you think it will all become clear?
'Cause I'm being taken over by the fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
'Cause I'm killing them all on my own little mission
Now I'm not a saint, but I'm not a sinner
And everything's cool as long as I'm getting thinner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
And when do you think it will all become clear?
'Cause I'm being taken over by the fear

Edit on

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Artist: Adam Wallacavage and his amazing octopi chandeliers!

Adam Wallacavage is a Philadelphia artist who creates fabulous Octopus chandeliers. Additionally, he's a photographer for Swindle magazine. His work is really colorful and worth taking a peek at!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Video: Thru You!

Did you all see this posting Andrew made?! This is the rad-est thing I've seen on the interwebs in ... well, at least 3 days!

It makes all those amateur musicians posting their stuff really relevant! This is exactly what was meant to be done with youtube!

An Israeli producer went and found hundreds of random,
unrelated YouTube clips of people playing instruments --
eager amateurs, instructional and performance videos --
and spliced and mixed them together into some amazing shit.

Just remember: everything you're seeing, you're HEARING.

My faves:

#1 (Fatboy Slim-ish Funk)
#4 (Sick drum-n-bass)
#6 (Vocoder crunk)

... and the 1:20 moment in #5 is just poignantly beautiful.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Anton Chekhov Phrase

I really like this line that Anton Chekhov wrote to the woman he ended up spending the rest of his life with: 'Hello, the last page of my life.'

Friday, February 27, 2009

Cool way to search

Very cool way to search for information.

video: Royksopp: Happy Up there

Happy Up Here from Röyksopp on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Video: Breakdancing in the Russia set to RunDMC

Look how energetic this is! WOW!

Friday, February 13, 2009

App for Iphone : Font Finder

Ever wonder what font is being used in the real world? With this easy to use iphone app, you can find out pronto!

The process is really easy-snap a photo, crop it down to the area where text is the clearest, then help the app's text recognition divine which letters are which, and presto, your identification comes back with a list of choices. The app nailed each font I tried with black text on a plain white background, but it has a little trouble when different colored backgrounds enter into play (like when I tried to identify the font for the Gizmodo logo on our page).

Monday, February 09, 2009

Video: Mighty Putty Re-Dub

Green putty sold with solid voice over.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Word Cloud Analysis of Obama's Inaugeral Speech

This is a very interesting piece analysing the text from Obama's inaugeral speech compared to others in the form of a word cloud. It really shows the focus of the speeches.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Philosophy Talk

This local san francisco radio program hosted by 2 Stanford professors proves to have an interesting dialog on the topic of philosophy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

42 Midgets taken down by a lion. What the...?

Spectators cheered as entire Cambodian Midget Fighting League squared off against African Lion. This is something that could only be acceptable in Cambodia.

Campaign promises checker

I like this fact checker which is tracking the campaign promises made by President Obama.

The Mall on Inaugeration Day!

This is such an impressive image of a satalite veiw of the Mall on Innaugeration Day, 2009!