Friday, June 29, 2007

Zebra + horse = zorse

From the New Zealand Herald June 29, 2007

Eclyse the zorse is striking proof of how an offspring inherits genes from both parents - which in her case was a male zebra and a female horse. The result is shown in her amazing coat which looks like a zebra's that has been partly covered in white paint.

Read The Article

Flight of the Conchords - Business Time

New Zealand's fourth most popular pop folk parody duo.

Business Time. Hilarious!

The First Rap Song Ever!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Artist: Souther Salazar

Souther Salazar's work first began to circulate in the early '90s, in the form of photocopied cut-and-paste micro-comics and zines he made in his bedroom as a young teenager in rural Oakdale, California. After graduating from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, he moved to LA. Salazar exhibits his collages, paintings, drawings, and sculptures in dense and frenzied installations that encourage exploration and participation by the viewer. His work has appeared in galleries nationwide, and in publications such as Kramers Ergot, Swindle, and the Drama, as well as a recent cover feature in Giant Robot.

Iraq Museum

There are so many tragedies to speak of in Iraq since the US invasion. Among the many is the near total loss of historical and cultural artifacts from it's extensive history. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago has created a database of Iraq's lost treasures. It's well worth checking out.

Unlike the hording by Germany in WWII of cultural and artistic artifacts (see my post on Rape Of Europa), it seems highly unlikely that their cultural assets will ever be recovered.

Musical Instruments: Acordians Rule!

Smythe's Accordian Center - If you're into accordians, then this is the place for you in the Bay Area. Accordian repair, workshops and classes.

Artist: Eva Martin - Jewelry

Our friend's Bradly and Felicity had their wedding ring created by Eva (see pic to the left). What makes her works so amazing is that she weaves a story into each piece of jewelry she creates.

Artist: Natasha Dikareva

I found Natasha's work during an Open Studios night in the Mission, SF. What I particularly liked about her work was the installation, and this melding of materials, periods - clay and metal, old and new.

Visit Natasha's Site

Monday, June 25, 2007

Documentary: Rape Of Europa

I saw this film at the San Francisco International Film Festival and would recommend it to anyone!

Based on the non-fiction book of the same name, this documentary tells the story of systematic theft, deliberate destruction and miraculous survival of Europe’s art treasures during the Third Reich and the Second World War.

It's incredibly well told and illustrated with lots of film footage and pictures from that time.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Planet Unicorn Heyyy

Even if you don't watch the entire thing, watch the intro for this. Unicorn Planet, planet Unicorn, heyyy!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Adorable Animated Short : Burning Safari

Robots vs. Monkey
Burning Safari

New Life Forms on Film

No matter how many times I see this video it enthralls me.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Educational Video: Julius Sumner Miller!

Talk about a nutty professor. In this episode he teaches you the Drama of Very Cold Things.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Color photos from 1910s

Apparently the Tsar’s official photographer figured that if he took 3 black and white photos of the same thing with red blue and green filter, eventually the technology would come along to re-combine them into actual color photographs. Well, he was right. And now you get to see color photographs of life in Russia in 1910. Absolutely remarkable.

What fascinates me the most about this is that I’ve come to expect people dressed in clothing from the turn of the century to be in black and white. And when I see them in color, it doesn’t feel as distant to me. It gives them more of a human, rather than historical appearance.

See the site!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Artist: Josh Heilaman

A mixed-media artist from Oklahoma whose palette and sensibility are continually evolving. He uses acrylic paints and just about any other medium he can put hands on to create environments heavy with seas, forests and cities — all populated by creatures of whimsy. Heilaman's work has been featured in publications and exhibitions throughout North America.

I found this artist at Flavor Pill.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Women in Art

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art morphing together.